Selling a Home

Selling Your Home Fast!

Price to Sell, Sell it Quick

If you are like most people your home is your biggest asset. Depending on how long you have been there, you most likely have been keeping up with the maintenance and making home improvements along the way. You have invested time and money in which you hope to recuperate it back and then some. Depending on the market and what was happening at the time we would hope your home value has increased which gives you a good chance at making some money on the transaction.

My goal is to get you a fair a fair price based on my experience and knowledge of the business. I like to simplify the process and make it work for all parties involved. Being able to represent you is a relationship I take very seriously.

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Home Selling Tips

Getting your Home Ready for Sale
  1. Find Out What's your Home Worth - It is always good to know what your home is worth. There are many tools to figure out the value. This will help you assess how low you are willing to go without losing a lot of money.
  2. Be Flexible with Home Showings - Showings can happen anytime, especially since everyone has a hectic schedule. Always have your home show ready each day so the realtor can focus on the home sale instead of distractions.
  3. Be Patient - Sometime people need to see the house several times, bring back family and friends for 2nd, 3rd and 4th opinions. Either way, be patient and let it work itself out.

The Home Selling Process

How It Works

Selling a home should not be a daunting task. There are many variables that come into play to have a successful sale. Many people want to get top dollar for their home and they are definitely entitled to it. Keep a few things in mind when considering listing your home for sale.

  • Price it Right

    Within the first 2 weeks of you home being listed you will probably get the most bites. In this time frame are people who have been eagerly hunting for their new home. They have done their homework and seen everything thus far. The only thing they need is the right house at the right price. Once they find it, they will know and are capable of making a fair offer. It could be costly if you price it too high and time is not on your side. You could end up paying more in the interum and then wind up losing more money at the end because it was for sale for so long.

  • Take Care of Your Landscape

    Curb appeal is the start of the journey for those looking to buy a home. The pictures and virtual tours can only lead them to the real deal so when they first pull up you don;t get a second chance to make a first impression. The warm and fuzzy feeling they would get right off the bat is going to carry through the rest of the showing.

  • Paint Rooms if Needed

    If your interior can use a little refresh, painting certain areas can go a long way. Even if they are neutral colors that’s fine. Most people would want their own colors anyway but it will give them a clear idea of what they are dealing with. They know they have a clean canvas to work off of and that is a great selling point. If you are a do-it-yourselfer, this low cost improvement can go a long way.

  • Hire a Great Real Estate Agent

    A great realtor can help you cut to the chase and help you hone in on the perfect price based on the market value and what people are actually looking for in a home. Home with Logan specializes in personal service and quality customer care.

  • Professional Pictures & Videos

    Images are worth a 1000 words so hiring a professional to take proper photos to showcase your home is the key to getting more showings. The more showings gives you a higher probability of selling your home. Definately don’t mislead but document the home and property to the best of your ability and make sure you hide anything that can distract the buyer. Pick up hoses, ladders, brooms, laundry, etc.

  • Repair Items That Need to be Fixed

    The home inspection process will catch things that need to be repaired, it is best to fix the obvious issues that people will see and possibly base their decision off that. Don’t give them a chance to chase them away with some simple things that can be resolved.

  • Get Organized

    People will be going through your cabinets and closets, insetad of shoving everything out of site you may as well put things where they belong. It shows that you care about the house and the buyers will take that into consideration. You are more than likely moving out and have to do it anyway before packing it all up when the sale is closed so you may as well save a step and increase your chances of a smooth sale.

  • Proper Staging

    In some instances you may need to move some furniture around or simply add some to show how things fit in certain rooms. It is always a nice touch to keep fresh flowers in common areas along with keeping a radio on with soft music to set the tone. If the house is empty you may want to consider hiring a staging company if it fits your budget.